In episode 6, we talk to remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder, and jungle survivor, Lucy Shepherd FRGS.


Lucy explains the personal importance of her term 'don't lose your botheredness’ using epic tales from past expeditions as the vehicle. She shares her perspective on what she thinks are the fundamentals needed to accomplish seemingly impossible goals and dreams. 

Made a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society at just 23, Lucy is an adventurer in every sense of the word: She has travelled all over the globe scaling gnarly peaks; leading solo and team expeditions to the Arctic and has crossed countries by foot.


Most recently, Lucy headed to Guyana in South America.  In January 2020, she led an expedition to cross the Kanuku Mountain range: An isolated and protected area of the rainforest. Originally it was to be Lucy with two Amerindians however upon arrival, more indigenous brothers approached Lucy after hearing about the mission. They had wanted to complete this never before recorded crossing their whole lives since they lived beneath the range. After much discussion, it was agreed that Lucy would take all five Amerindians (and a fantastic team they were).


The crossing is never known to have been done in this exploratory way in recent history and the Amerindians and local communities have stories dating hundreds and hundreds of years back saying so and with regards to the mountains. The team completed the crossing after a few weeks in the mountains. Lucy shares insights into times when she came face to face with jaguars, chased by bushmaster snakes and were even taken down by bullet ants!


With a television background, she films each expedition and uses them to communicate her story as well as highlight the climate emergency that she observes during her expeditions.


I: @LucySheps

FB: @LucyShepherdAdventurer

  • 00:00:09 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Hi, welcome to the Tales of Adventure podcast. I'm Chris, your host, and every month I'll be interviewing inspiring adventurers by overcoming hardship, taking risk, and doing it differently.

    00:00:20 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    The podcast complements the live speaker series, which you hold in London every month, and it aims to document the learning that's got these stand out individuals to where they are now. Hope you enjoy this.

    00:00:43 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Lucy, welcome to another Tales adventure podcast. How is life under lockdown treating you?

    00:00:47 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Thank you very much.

    00:00:50 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    I'm getting into the swing of things I think now I actually escaped from London where I live normally into the countryside with with my parents. So back with the parents after, I don't know many, many years of not living with them, but it's fine. There's lots of greenery, so at least I can have a bit more runs and walks and things like that.

    00:01:10 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Ohh cool. And and is it, it's it's not far away from London, so it's it's you can jump back here when the when the lockdown ends.

    00:01:18 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    That's right. It's a couple of hours. So I mean, I'm kind of craving a bit of London life like we all are now. I mean, Pub Gardens is what is on everyone's mind right now I think in.

    00:01:30 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    I recently just got a puppy as well and I want her to be good at sitting in pubs as well as being an adventure dog.

    00:01:36 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor


    00:01:37 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Awesome. What's? What's what? Your puppy's calling in.

    00:01:38 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor


    00:01:41 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    It's Sammy. So Sammy is like the indigenous people of the north up in the Arctic.

    00:01:46 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    But so it's S AM I and she definitely suits it. She's her little Jack Russell. So she's very cute and besotted.

    00:01:52 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yeah, yeah.

    00:01:54 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Do you know? Just you sent me a photo of it the other day and I was like, my God, that is a a dog. That's.



    00:02:00 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Definitely get treats at the pub in the at the table.

    00:02:03 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Definitely. She's cute. I'm going to start taking her in the tent. Yeah. While locked down. Tent in the garden. So she's good on the mountains as well. So I've gotta plan. Gotta plan. Lockdown plan.


    Do you think?

    00:02:15 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Well, I'm just going to do a brief introduction for you and then tell us a little bit about what you've been up to since you did the tales of venture in August, so.

    00:02:26 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yes, he's in sales venture in August, but you've also got quite a an impressive adventure CV you've you've mounted in the High Sierras. You've solo skied across the Norwegian Russian border that a speedy crossing of, I'm going to tell you get this wrong.

    00:02:44 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    With the Arctic.

    00:02:45 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Bins Mark Kibata plateau.

    00:02:49 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Pretty, pretty good, pretty good.

    00:02:51 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    You've also climbed in the treacherous peaks of Tajikistan.

    00:02:54 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Then narrowly escaping disaster. And you come from a television background, but more importantly, you've been on a a pretty interesting expedition since you did the tales of venture talk. Tell us. Tell us about that.

    00:03:07 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Yeah. So I mean, I've for the last few years I've been doing a lot of snowy cold places in the mountains and the Arctic. And for the first time in five years, I went back to the jungle. So when I in 2014, I headed over to the Amazon jungle to do a month long expedition with myself and two indigenous guys.

    00:03:26 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    And it was, it was to be.

    00:03:28 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Honest. Very, very.

    00:03:30 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Out of my comfort zone in a way that I've never experienced before. Long story short, I was thought I was being stalked by a Jaguar. One night. It was actually after it was after something underneath my hammock, but I didn't know that at the time. For the hours during during the night.

    00:03:46 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    But so I sort of got back from that expedition. I thought, wow, this jungle is not for me. You know, everything feels like it's out to get you. I'll stick with cold places. And so I did that for a few years. And then I earlier the last year, sort of September.

    00:04:00 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Time I started to think there's something missing. You know, I keep going on these trips, but there's something not quite not quite completing me. And so I thought I've got to go back to the jungle. I've gotta gotta go and face my fear and tackle it. So much, so many great expeditions to be had in tropical rainforests and things like that.

    00:04:21 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    So yeah, and I started organising a bigger expedition in September and and it was to go out in January to do a expedition across the Kanuku Mountains, which was the first sort of known exploratory expedition.

    00:04:34 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Like of its.

    00:04:35 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Mind and the original plan was to go with two indigenous guys like I did last time, but I turn up there and basically one for one. The mountains were much bigger than I could ever anticipated. There was not much about this place. It's very, very remote. It's very isolated.

    00:04:55 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio


    00:04:56 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Very protected area and I get to this mountain range and I'm like, OK, no wonder no one's.

    00:05:01 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Done it like this before.

    00:05:02 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    And I'm about to meet one of the guys who had planned to to cross it with and then I get a knock at the door at the last point point of civilization, and there's two other indigenous guys who've come to see me and they're they're really not happy. They are hostile. They're cold. They've heard that white, young blonde, you know, blonde.

    00:05:22 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    In London, girl.

    00:05:23 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Coming to cross the Kanuku mountain range, you know.

    00:05:25 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    How dare she, they've.

    00:05:27 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    They've been living underneath these mountains their whole lives.

    00:05:31 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Always dreaming to cross them, but never had the sort of ability to. And so basically we we sit down for hours. We have a chat, I sort of hear their side of the story. They talk about how they have always dreamt with doing it with two other guys from their tribe.

    00:05:45 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    And you.

    00:05:45 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Know they would love to and I sort of said, well, OK, sounds like you're great.



    00:05:50 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    There's there's two, two things that you'll two conditions is the one that I leave tomorrow. So that means them going back to their village and getting everything sorted. Saying goodbye to their family, their loved ones, this trip that they've been talking about for years. They'll suddenly they don't get tomorrow. And the the second one.

    00:06:06 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio


    00:06:08 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Was a I was going to be taking. I'd already sorted to have one guy from a different tribe who, you know, sometimes have. The two tribes have tension and so they agreed to that. And of course, when we get to the start point and we meet, everyone meets each other so suddenly I've got five guys with me and there's.

    00:06:29 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    So me and five indigenous tribe.

    00:06:31 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    And there's a little bit of conflict between a couple of them and one other one of the other guys. And for the first few days, it's kind of me.

    00:06:39 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Because I I'm the leader in terms of I've done the preparation and they're the ones that you know, they know the jungle, they're jungle Wizards in there. It's so much to learn. It's it's absolutely incredible. But basically after a few days of.

    00:06:54 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    And then sort of fighting it out a little bit. So a lot of testosterone going on. One of the guys just disappears off the one that they were fighting with into the river. And he's spearfishing and he's catching our dinner in a way that they, their tribe doesn't do. And so suddenly he's got this respect and always happy. And then we from then on, we go deep into the jungle into this sort of unexplored areas.

    00:07:15 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    And yeah, I know it was an incredible teamwork experience. So yeah, I was fond memories now of the jungle. I've, I've. I've got over it now. So I'm. I'm trying to feel like.

    00:07:26 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio


    00:07:26 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    I I didn't know. When I I remember my first time in the jungle and it.

    00:07:32 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    It was, it was. It was pretty horrible. It was like, I think, I think most people know if they're they're either hot or a cold climate person, you know, you either. You either thrive in in jungles and deserts or polar a mountain. And I I think I'm very much more the the latter polar mountain. But for somebody to go and do that go that comes from.

    00:07:52 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    A polar mountain background to go and do jungles and then want to go back again. It's it's pretty incredible. It's it's, yeah.

    00:08:00 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    I mean it.

    00:08:01 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    It does mean that my it does mean that.

    00:08:03 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    My kit storage room is getting very.

    00:08:08 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    You know, understand me.

    00:08:08 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    All in 100 litre bags like like like pretty much like the same as mine.


    Oh my.



    00:08:11 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Now I tried.

    00:08:13 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    I've tried to be really organised and have everything in boxes stacked like gloves and you know a whole.

    00:08:17 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor


    00:08:19 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    30-40 litre box full of gloves because you can never. You can never have enough gloves like that but.

    00:08:25 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Got jungle stuff and everything's there's so much so much kit.

    00:08:30 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Geez. And and the so. So you went to the Amazon in Guyana, is that, is that right?

    00:08:35 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Yeah. So after going there in 2014 originally it's such such a beautiful place, very, very pristine rainforest. And the people out there are just great as well. The Amerindian guys. And so I was really keen to go back there.

    00:08:51 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    And then the Kanuku mountains. Because one my contact out there sort of suggested them because of, you know, the very, very unexplored and too, because it was people had tried and failed. And so that's always appealing to have a go.

    00:09:07 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Well, I've I've only been to French Guiana, so I I've I've seen just how rainy and humid it is, and the thought of adding mountains into it as well just sounds like a an absolute recipe of of challenge to me. So how you know how? How was it in, you know, when you got home?

    00:09:28 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    And you were kind of recovering from the expedition.

    00:09:31 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    It was. I mean, yeah, I had all the the usual things. When you come back from the jungle was like I think on the first day when we were near water. I don't know if you had them in French down there, but there's these little flies called cabora flies.

    00:09:43 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    And they, UM, they kind of like sand flies and they bite you like a mosquito. But they take the flesh with you, with them. So they leave a sort of massive bloody mark on you. And I just got ripped to shreds on the first night, you know, looked full on measles, kind of look and so.

    00:10:03 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    They they properly scarred and I'm still still have them on my legs thrown down. So I looked a bit of a mess then. But no, I mean, by the end of the trip, because it it because no one had done it like this. It could have been anywhere from the time we did it, which was 11 days up until three weeks.

    00:10:21 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Because if if you made a sort of poor judgement with navigation, which occasionally we did, but sometimes we were doing 2 kilometres per day, it was that dense. It was that.

    00:10:31 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor


    00:10:31 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio


    00:10:32 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    You mean you know what the jungle is like you. It's just so slow going and you just you have to put it into time and days rather than kilometres. Because if you start thinking like that, it's.

    00:10:41 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Very demoralising.

    00:10:44 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Well, it's it's a, it's a real a real technical environment is.

    00:10:47 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Where where sort of mountains are quite easy. You just keep on heading upwards. You can't. You can't head up with anymore. But with the jungle, obviously you can't use your GPS because the canopy might be thick. You you obviously everything is is sweaty and soaking wet and it's humid and there's.


    Yeah, yeah.



    00:10:59 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor


    00:11:08 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    There's never enough water or food, and then you've obviously got the team, which there's conflict, you know, and you know, especially with the sounds of it, you've got people there who've come in, you know, with with difficult circumstances. And then you're also ascending as well. So you've got that extra physical.

    00:11:24 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Effort of going uphill as well as just going flat and fighting the jungle itself and cutting from the jungle itself.

    00:11:29 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Definitely, yeah. No, our problem was because we of our route was basically cut across the part where the mountains were the highest. So it was very much up, down, up, down, up, down. It meant you, you had to time it very well with water sources because in the middle of the in the mountain mountainous area. And of course, when I say mountains, we're.

    00:11:49 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Talking full on jungle thick. Just you know you wouldn't even know you're on a mountain apart from looking.

    00:11:55 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    The slope because you can't see the sky. So it's very dark. But no, we were drinking out some such muddy puddles in some days in the middle because there was no rivers, no streams. It was. It was only on the edges that were like this. These beautiful paradise areas.

    00:11:58 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio


    00:12:12 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    That you always.

    00:12:13 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Think of in The Jungle Book or Tarzan movies and things like that.

    00:12:16 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    But no, actually in most of the time, yeah, dark dense and you know, sweaty basically and everything.

    00:12:23 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yeah, well.

    00:12:25 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Everything seems to be like have a defence defence mechanism, doesn't it? And hurt you in some way?

    00:12:32 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    I think it's a. It's a sort of place which if you if you're.

    00:12:35 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    If you know if you've got any kind of hay fever, it just goes wildly off the charts, doesn't it? I remember going there and just spending the entire time sneezing and I went there. The Marines obviously trying to be tactical and sneak around, and my God, I just remember just sneezing all the time and trying to stifle it when you're, you know, when you're in a dense jungle it's it's just becomes a.

    00:12:54 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Ohh gosh.

    00:12:55 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    That's a challenge, isn't it?

    00:12:57 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Absolutely. You know, there's so many challenges, but then I think I mean it's what everyone says, isn't it? As soon as you realise you don't fight it, you go with it, then you start to get you, like, find your feet.

    00:13:07 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    And start start working well in it and I think your body really adapts very quickly. There would be times where I'd be because when you're going uphill, you have to try and use because you're so steep. Try and use some of the trees as long as they're not dead or pointy to help assist you because we've got some big bags going on and I realised.

    00:13:27 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Few days in, you know my brain was realising there was a spiky deadly plant before I'd even clocked it so.

    00:13:33 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    I'd go to.

    00:13:34 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Go to hand. Put my hand on it and then sort of suddenly the brain.

    00:13:37 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Would realise no.

    00:13:39 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    So there's something primal in us, maybe.

    00:13:43 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    And you know, haven't even got as far as, like talking about snakes there. I've. I've been in the.

    00:13:49 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    The jungle of of Ghana and in West Africa, and there's literally just you just see snakes dropping out of trees and.

    00:13:56 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor


    00:13:57 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    It's with with everything else, it just becomes another hazard to try and figure out. How did you have any near near misses on this trip?



    00:14:04 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Oh, hell yeah. Yeah. So yeah.

    00:14:07 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    One of the basically the the big day, I call it. It was really, really thick undergrowth. We this was one of the two kilometre days and and I don't know if you know, but in Guyana in that area anyway, you're said to about 3:00 PM, you have to start signing where you're going to put your hammocks because that's at 3:00 PM is when the wildlife come out.

    00:14:28 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    And I kind of thought that was a bit of an old wives tale, but we had been stopping before 3:00 PM up until then, but we were coming down this very, very steep slope.

    00:14:37 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    And couldn't put up any hammocks and it was getting 3:00 PM and I was like, OK, there's this hasn't happened before, and suddenly one the first guy who's leading puts his hand up and he can smell the Jaguar nearby. So we're like, OK, watch out. And this is not the place where you want to see a Jaguar because it's you really can't see a metre in front of you.

    00:14:57 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    You're chopping away, chopping away, and then suddenly there's this whistle. I'll try and whistle but it.

    00:15:02 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Goes like.

    00:15:05 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Like that and.

    00:15:07 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Star Star Trek, isn't it? It's time for the doors opening on Star Trek.

    00:15:09 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    It might be.

    00:15:11 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Well, they took it. So basically the the guys colour in their faces like drains and they're looking terrified. And I have no idea what they're going on about. And it's a Bushmaster snake whistle. And I knew that bushmasters are a big, big problem. That was what the Amerindians were worried about going in there because, you know, if you get bitten by a Bushmaster snake, there's not much chance.

    00:15:32 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    When you're, you know, out in the in the mountains, in the jungle. And so they make this whistle and it's sort of saying, I know that you're there and I'm coming out to hunt you and find.

    00:15:33 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio


    00:15:42 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    And you and these snakes, they follow your scent and they they chase you. And they've been known to wait underneath your hammock, waiting to strike. And things like this. So the guys are terrified of them. And so we start moving because they're like, go, go, go. We need.

    00:15:56 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor


    00:15:56 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Get out of here. And then suddenly there's whistles from coming from.

    00:16:00 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Corner and they're they're so close and everyone's worried everyone doesn't want to cause, like you say, they fall out of trees. They're on the ground, they're anywhere. And now they're coming.

    00:16:10 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    And so we have to just stop because we start realising we're being cornered and we start to just absolutely getting rid of all the undergrowth we can see to start putting hammocks up so that we can kind of see if there's any snakes coming towards us. And meanwhile, while we're doing that, two of the guys get stung by bullet ants. So now we're we're like.

    00:16:30 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Everything's around us and those guys. Bullet ants. I'm sure you know, they cause you to give get a fever for 24 hours. They cause the pain is just excruciating. So yeah, that's.

    00:16:38 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio


    00:16:41 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    It literally feels like people are jabbing you with red hot pokers, doesn't it? They are. They are horrendous.



    00:16:47 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Have you? Have you got somewhere? One.

    00:16:50 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    I've yeah. In went from Ghana to Cameroon, did some more stuff in the jungle there. And one night we had a a fire in the jungle because we're we're notionally playing some enemy for for the Marines to kind of react to. And the I think the, the the fire brought out drew the ants out of the ground.

    00:17:10 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    And like all of a sudden, all of us, you had five Marines literally dancing around where these ants, like, start crawling up into your.

    00:17:10 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Oh, no way.

    00:17:19 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Knows I'm biting you. And and I I I kid you not myself and four other, you know experience really and literally dancing around there, wailing around, shouting and giving, you know, giving our position away here. And I was like right note to self bullet ants not my friend and it is a bad idea to make a fire in the jungle.



    00:17:29 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    I'm not.

    00:17:30 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor


    00:17:34 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Oh my God.

    00:17:40 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Ohh my gosh.

    00:17:41 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    No, they they are awful. But yeah. Ohh so when you have bullet ants, Jaguars and Bushmaster snakes around it meant for very little sleeping that night.

    00:17:52 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Ohh God.

    00:17:56 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Gee. Oh my God. I must have kept my hat off to you. Because, yeah, going back to the jungle is is definitely on my To Do List. But my angles on mountains and then everything that goes with both of them is is next level. So. So my God, I I I can't wait for you to come and do a tales adventure.



    00:18:15 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Talk and share all these stories.

    00:18:19 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    For now I'm I'm. Yeah, I don't think I'll. I'll ruin it for other people by getting you to to to share more about that experience because it sounds incredible. But yeah, there's clearly many more stories involved in here, and I don't want to to. To.

    00:18:27 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    OK, sounds good.

    00:18:34 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Ruin your your next thought.

    00:18:34 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Absolutely. Yeah. It was a jam packed one, that one.

    00:18:39 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    And so.

    00:18:41 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    That more of a general question than I guess next what what drew you to mountaineering and exploring these remote places? Is it something which you you kind of reflected on or or or forced right in depth before.

    00:18:56 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    I think it was a sort of a natural progression really. When I was young, I was always pretty, I suppose, adventurous, but I never thought you could take it any further. I didn't think expeditions were something that people still had. You know, I wasn't in that world. My parents weren't, weren't definitely weren't explorers or in the military or anything like that.

    00:19:14 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    But when I was sort of 16, I went on this. I went up to the north of Scotland for this sort of young survival group for two weeks and they there was sort of an outlining and they would call it. And you know, we'd have mini expeditions to do a little mini kayak expedition or something like that. And that was where I first heard that word.

    00:19:33 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    And realised that I, you know, maybe this was a possibility, maybe I could do other expeditions so I started.

    00:19:39 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Started looking out of what people did because they was very much in that bubble of being young and not really knowing the world that much. And then I start, they started to look look out for what I could do and I was lucky enough when I was 18, I got onto an expedition to Svalbard for 10 weeks where myself and nine others went up to do scientific.

    00:20:00 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Research on and Arctic expedition, and after that I.

    00:20:05 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Sort of realise that I never wanted to stop doing these expeditions. You know. Why did I ever have to stop? Everyone kept saying, you know. Wow. What an amazing. Once in a lifetime achievement. And I just thought about that expectation and I just thought, no, this is what I want to do for the rest of my life. And you know, you do arctics well, bodies, even though they're very straightforward.

    00:20:26 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Most of them, it was the first time, you know, putting on crampons and realising that the sort of the thrill you could get from reaching the top. And so I started to gain some high altitude experience in Bolivia, get some summits there and then go on from go on from there. Really. So just, just slowly, slowly.

    00:20:44 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yeah. Yeah, it sounds incredible. It's like those ten weeks just out. I've not really experienced kind of polar polar environments yet. It's kind of the one thing which I'm I'm really keen to to do next, but I could imagine like those those kind of experiences as a youngster would just, you know, like I guess just give you the.

    00:20:57 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor


    00:21:05 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Salute the appetite for adventure and expeditions and.

    00:21:09 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor


    00:21:09 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    I mean, I've been quite. I mean, I hate. I hate labelling people, especially kids, but people used to label me as shy and I used to think ohh I'm not shy. I just don't really want to talk to you about that. You know that particular subject. But when I was outside, I would be in my sort of element but not really put two and two together that that was something I could carry on, but then on.

    00:21:10 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio


    00:21:30 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    In Svalbard, with sort of like minded people, finding my confidence finding that independence at a young age where you're fending for yourself.

    00:21:38 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    This Arctic environment was a real eye opener and they didn't want to let that go. So I I I identified it. How good good of an experience it was and character building and all of all of the things that it's meant to be of course. But then taking it on further to see what else.

    00:21:55 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Could be achieved like this.

    00:21:58 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yeah. And and it led into a career in media and geography.

    00:22:05 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Do you mind telling us a bit more about that, where it kind of it's kind of led you?

    00:22:09 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Yeah, I mean I I just like the outdoors. My other passion was filmmaking. So as I used to take a little old camera and make that so it was always going to be some sort of storytelling. And so after the Arctic expedition, I went off and I did film and television at York University and.

    00:22:28 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    I I started doing the freelance life after UNI in London.

    00:22:34 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    I thought after university that would be the end of expeditions. I thought I had to grow up. Everyone tells you you have to, you know, get settled and get routine jobs and things like that. So I tried that for a bit. And of course you get itchy feet very quickly and after a few freelance jobs I realised I needed to figure out a balance for the adventure in TV.

    00:22:54 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    And and then. So I worked on that quite hard. And then eventually, you know, it's now turning out that the both both of them are being combined, which is in my eyes is is exactly what I want. So that's the dream.

    00:23:07 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Awesome. I'm just gonna jump into your your CV and just pour another few things out as well, if you don't mind. You were made a a fellow with the Royal Geographical Society at the age of 23, and he also appeared in the Dove Skin Care campaign as well at appearing as yourself.

    00:23:26 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Yeah, that's right.

    00:23:27 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    How how are these things? How these things kind of helps grow your your appetite or your confidence into doing kind of like outdoor adventure?

    00:23:35 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Things ohh gosh good question in a very way.

    00:23:38 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Sure. I mean the the thing a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society is a real honour. I mean, I think the place is, I mean, you know, you've been there like it's full of history. It's so inspiring to be there and you know the the Knights of giving talks or being at talks and then afterwards at the bar.

    00:23:58 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Talking to other explorers to meeting new people, it's it just drives you and motivates you and fills you up with energy to then keep going with your dream because of course sometimes it's.

    00:24:07 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Hard and things don't. It's not. It's never easy. You know. You think you just set out a plan, you get, you fundraise, and then voila. But you need a lot. You need a lot of sort of.



    00:24:19 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Self belief, I think to do it and so meeting other people who do it too is really, really good. And then I suppose the dove, I mean that was a interesting experience I sort of.

    00:24:31 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Went over to this, went over to the studio in London somewhere and it was for skin care and I don't know if you've ever seen Dove adverts, but you almost have to get get your clothes off, basically almost. And so you're standing in a room full of people with very little on and.

    00:24:40 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio


    00:24:50 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    They almost they they, they always say, don't they?

    00:24:54 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Doing something like that is very empowering if you do it, and I did find it that find it like that. So after afterwards getting over that it was like anything is possible if you can get your clothes off in front of lots of different people. Not all of my clothes just but just if I make that just.

    00:25:10 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Make that clear.

    00:25:12 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    But that was a few years ago now.

    00:25:14 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    I can't watch it now, but it was. It was very, very good at the time.

    00:25:20 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    No, I think I think it's a, you know, I love this this way. This like this culmination where kind of people now and people are and brands are kind of coming together and and and you know doing doing you know almost these stories of real life people it's it's you know for me and I think you mentioned it.

    00:25:39 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yeah, it always seemed like so out of reach. You know, it's always the the things which other people did, you know, it wasn't. It wasn't like immediately accessible to, you know, to to your your everyday folk, you know. But then.

    00:25:53 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Definitely. And that's where where social media can be great as well. I think as long as it's used, right.

    00:25:59 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yes. Yeah, I totally agree. Yeah, I I do a lot of stuff with sports teams in Afghanistan and kind of helping them reach new audiences. And new supporters is is one of my one of the key things that I believe in. But yeah, you're you're absolutely bang on there. It's it. It can be used really, really badly. And it can be used well.

    00:26:19 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor


    00:26:19 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio


    00:26:21 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    But yeah, it's yeah, about personal personal experience, isn't it?

    00:26:24 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Yeah. I mean when when I when I because I guide up to get its petitions. Well, it was meant to be two this year. But of course lock locked down and coronavirus. But then last year when I started, so I worked with a friend out in Norway live.

    00:26:40 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    I got everyone using social media on that and that was lovely because we had a moment at the airport when everyone arrived and we were sort of going around the table of how everyone heard about this and it was all through Instagram. So a group of strangers who, just from look from all over the world and.

    00:26:58 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Just suddenly we had this awesome team and everyone got on very, very well. So that was that was an example of social media going doing what? Well, I think.

    00:27:07 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yeah. Yeah. And it that there's times when it does connect, people who've got similar interests and or communities who've got similar interests together all across the world, as it does bypass, obviously boundaries and geography to actually connect people with, you know, for for mutual learning and for.

    00:27:24 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    You know mutual understanding and you know, connecting different cultures together. I think it's I think it's it can be a really good, really fantastic tool.

    00:27:34 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Absolutely. And that actually that makes me it reminds me of what the recent expedition to the Amazon. You know, these guys were from obviously a completely different world from where I am.

    00:27:44 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    But the thing that brought us all together was that adventure gene and that common goal, and it's just, I mean we are all connected and we all had this conversation at the time. But you know we need to I think.

    00:27:55 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    We need all.

    00:27:56 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Should be remembering that more often. I think in these times.

    00:28:01 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yeah, definitely. Yeah. The especially during the what's going on at the moment is that you can people can feel very lonely. And I mean it's it's mental health week now, isn't it? And something I hadn't, I hadn't even really thought of about much. But yeah, some days the, the the world can feel really real.

    00:28:12 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor


    00:28:21 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Huge and and disparate, but other days it can feel a lot smaller. When you start bumping into people from mutual communities or have had similar experiences, I think it's it's one of the ways. Like you're saying how social media can be used for good is by connecting those people with the.

    00:28:28 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor


    00:28:34 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Same interests, but I'm also hoping during this coronavirus time, you know people now that we are allowed, allowed outdoors a little bit more.



    00:28:41 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor


    00:28:42 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Really appreciating nature and the ability to go for the walks and the parks and greenery and the birds singing, everyone is talking about that suddenly, you know, people are suddenly paying attention more. So I think if that if that could come out of lockdown come out of this then that is something something very, very good because we all need to be a bit more connected with.

    00:29:03 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    With the environment, I think.

    00:29:05 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yeah, definitely. And and people becoming more aware of of, you know, things like how much plastic they use or the economic, you know, impact of of buying certain brands or just or where where things are sourced from more so than.

    00:29:12 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Absolutely, yeah.

    00:29:20 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor


    00:29:22 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Kind of costing the economic driver behind choices. Actually the like the people getting connected with the environment and then choosing those things over over cost in the future, I think so something positive.



    00:29:35 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    And there's definitely a trend towards that. So I'm, I'm I'm definitely hopeful.

    00:29:39 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yes, but this actually this segue into really well into the next question.

    00:29:46 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Your so your your theme the tells adventure and obviously before that is about never losing your bothered Ness. I think it's a it really is a a great, a great theme on on many levels because it's I think it just.

    00:29:53 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor


    00:30:02 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    You know resonates with the reasons why we go on and put ourselves in these places. Can you can you give us an insight into what kind of got you to to think of that, that theme or what drove it towards you?

    00:30:15 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Yeah, they're never losing, bothered, Ness kind of means.

    00:30:18 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Don't don't get into the habit of saying I can't be bothered to do this. I can't be bothered to do that because we do it so often now, and I mean the obvious example is on expeditions. Say you're in the Arctic and you're you get into your tent and you realise, damn it, I didn't take the tent down properly.

    00:30:39 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    You've remembered it and you think ohh I'd be fine. I can't be bothered right now. You know I want to. I'm in my sleeping bag. It's gonna. It's gonna be a lot of stuff to get out and do.

    00:30:47 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    But the idea is that you as soon as you think it as soon even think it will say it, then you've got to do it there and then you've got to rip it off like a Band-Aid and get it done because that would be much easier than if a storm comes along obviously. And you're battling in the wind and the the snow trying to get your tent tents sorted and then obviously in everyday life.

    00:31:07 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Say I mean it's simple things like going for a run. If you think of it, and just as soon as you think I can't bothered, then go and do it and you'll always feel better for it in the long run. Always.

    00:31:19 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    So I try and use it a lot cause and when you start realising how often you think I can't be bothered it's quite scary. So makes makes you quite busy. A lot of the day.

    00:31:30 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    It's save it's it's. It's the sort of thing which.

    00:31:34 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    I think you you you get a lot of motivation from other people, don't you? And and.

    00:31:40 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    You know, surrounding yourself with the right people is, I think is one of the ways which I'd I'd definitely found it a lot easier to be to be bothered about doing things you know, like bothered about, you know, learning, learning sciences, or bothered about wanting to aim a little bit higher or or, you know, run a little bit faster or just or just just be better in the mountains.

    00:31:48 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor


    00:32:01 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    It's all done by kind of surrounding myself, surrounding myself with the right people who just kind of help you aim a little bit higher.

    00:32:09 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Definitely, absolutely no. I mean, I I'm lucky enough with. I I always try and surround myself with people who are better than me or, you know, I respect. And sometimes you you, you do realise if you're with others who perhaps suck the that feeling of being having the energy sucked out of you.

    00:32:29 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Wait and being deflated and you never want that being with someone.

    00:32:33 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    So just trying trying to round yourself with people who are really driven. Sorry. That dog. No, that's that's definitely not Sammy, big dog.

    00:32:38 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yeah, yeah. No, it's not sunny. I think. What what you're saying before? So Oprah Winfrey's got this fantastic.

    00:32:57 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Fantastic saying that people are like people are like radiators or drains, you know, and and the metaphor is obviously that you either somebody who radiates energy or somebody who kind of absorbs energy. And so I I kind of I thought about it a lot quite deeply when I was in hospital last year and I and I realised that at the time I needed people who were.

    00:33:16 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Who are radiators? More more so than drain so, but obviously it's, you know, back in back in normal life you need to be surrounded by both people because it's both equally is helpful. But yeah, the time the time when I I needed kind of other peoples energy was when yeah I really really needed radiators around me.



    00:33:25 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor


    00:33:34 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    As opposed to drains, but.

    00:33:34 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    That's a that's a fantastic saying. Absolutely, really good.

    00:33:39 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yeah, it's. Yeah. It's like a best that's gonna save me for ages now.

    00:33:43 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Yeah. No, it's it's being, I think thinking of that before you go to meet people and try and be like.

    00:33:48 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    No. Like show.

    00:33:49 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Up, so make sure you show up. So be be there at in the present. Don't be thinking about something that just happened. Don't be thinking. I'm anxious to get away about the future or whatever, but be the be in the moment and.

    00:34:00 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Make the most of there and then because it always it always means.

    00:34:03 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    For a better, better event or meeting, or you know, whatever it might be.

    00:34:10 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yeah, yeah, definitely. And and I think as well with them, you know, obviously some experiences you've had in the places I mentioned earlier is that each one will will no doubt inspire you for the next one. But also you'll think you know when you're going through the hard times on on the next expedition, you'll be thinking. Well, it wasn't as hard as that time in Guyana.

    00:34:30 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    When I was climbing the the mountains in the jungle or the time when you're obviously crossing the, you know, the the mountains in in Tajikistan. And so it's I think it's it's something which you need to be present so you can actually almost refi.

    00:34:38 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor


    00:34:45 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio


    00:34:45 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Absolutely no. It's so important, isn't it? Like when you're having a struggle and hard time. And if you can think back, like you said to a past time and know that you got got by the, you know, climb that mountain in Tajikistan, even though the rocks were falling all around you and you felt like hell, you know, just being able to look back and.

    00:35:05 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Know that you did it. I think it's very important to UM.

    00:35:10 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Be proud of yourself, so to speak. So do do things in order that you get proud of so that you can be inspired by yourself. It can be your past self, but then you can use that. Use that and when you need it. I think when you need it most.

    00:35:12 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio


    00:35:24 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yeah, definitely, yeah.

    00:35:25 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    OK, so so next question, was there a stand up moment that made you want to have this this different way of living than perhaps you know what you were led to believe in university or by people around you know we was there something where you thought right I'm gonna?

    00:35:42 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio


    00:35:43 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Aim high or aim to do this differently than kind of the people that were that were kind of mentoring you for university.

    00:35:51 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    I think well, just before university as a as the Spellbound expedition was coming to an end, I remember finally seeing civilization for the first time in 10 weeks and thinking, OK, I don't want this to end, but it seems everyone around me is telling me it can never, not you know, this is this is kind.

    00:36:09 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Of it, this is how good as it gets.

    00:36:11 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Reach your peak and getting back from that I got quite low. I guess I got quite depressed. I've struggled for for quite some time because I've been so happy. And so in my element to getting back down to Earth, so to speak, was was a real hard time and it wasn't until a few months later I was giving a talk at the Radiographical society.



    00:36:32 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Ballet. And that night I met Neil Lawton, sort of explore a big, you know, done all the seven summits, the north-south Pole and amongst other many, many other things. Took, took Bear Grylls up. Everest. He's one of his friends and all all the massive CV.



    00:36:46 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio


    00:36:49 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    And I approached him and we got chatting and he gave me his card. And I sort of wanted to know how he'd made his life as good as it was. How had he carried on doing adventures one after the other? And so we met. We met at the tea room in the Royal Geographical Society and I.

    00:37:05 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor


    00:37:06 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    It's kind of kind of the place where you see Renault fines.

    00:37:09 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Having his tea after after writing his 30 millionth book, whatever it is.

    00:37:17 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    We we met and we sort of shared some stories and.

    00:37:20 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    I mean it must have made some sort of impression because a few months later I received and I think he saw that I had this appetite and this hunger for it, but I had no idea how to how to carry.

    00:37:30 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor


    00:37:31 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    And a few months later, I get an e-mail from him out of the blue and he says, you know, I'm going to the HUD angle bidder to do an expedition.

    00:37:40 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Following the heroes Telemark route with four other ex SAS guys, would you like?

    00:37:46 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    To come and.

    00:37:49 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Yeah. So I'm 19 at this point.

    00:37:52 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    And he he hasn't seen me on an extradition. He's just taking quite a big gamble, he says. Now that he saw it in my eyes and he knew it, he knew it be fine, but of course I'd jump at this. So off we go 19 and I'm off with five SSX SAS guys doing this.



    00:38:11 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Ski, telemark expedition. And no, I think after that realising that I was absolutely fine and and expeditions could carry on. These guys had made it carry on as long as long as you.

    00:38:24 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Kind of.

    00:38:26 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    If I think figure out the specifics later, so set yourself a goal and the rest will fall into place, cause you'll make it happen. And that's been my sort of thing ever since is I never know how I'm going to make an expedition happen, but I get a gut feeling about a place or a journey and then I'll figure it out afterwards. It's that I get a sort of a sudden urge.

    00:38:34 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio


    00:38:45 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    OK, I need to go there and then then the planning begins. And that's always fun. So I think that, yeah, I think that moment of sort of after going on that second big expedition with the SAS guys.

    00:38:50 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yeah, yeah.

    00:38:57 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    And realising I could I could do this. This could be something I could be good at and love so that that would be my standout moment, I think.

    00:39:05 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    That's awesome. I love the fact that he, you know, after one meeting and tea in in the RGS that he saw something in you that inspired into e-mail like several months later it's it's it's I mean Megan, I met, I met Neil last September in the in the RGS. Sorry not September at the the Rs Expo.

    00:39:24 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Event it turned out we lived 3 miles away from each other on the South Coast, and so we hopped up to his place and and had tea in his in his in his adventure cave as he calls it, and his pitches him him and bear. And obviously him and his and his other other days, shall we say.





    00:39:36 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Oh yeah.

    00:39:43 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Yeah, that's.

    00:39:44 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yeah. No, it's it's incredible. I I think people, people like him. Well, and yourself as well. Like these these enablers, you know these people who empower others by making these seemingly insurmountable.

    00:39:57 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio


    00:39:58 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Achievements come back that you know, almost come a bit closer to being achieved, you know, be be almost almost like normalise. I. Yeah, I think it's it's it's mega important.

    00:40:07 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Absolutely, yeah.

    00:40:11 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    No, he often you know I'd be because we're very good friends now. Of course. Still, he you're talking about an expedition and he'll go. OK, good. Go on. Go on and do it then. Like, you know, you're dirt. Go like just piece of cake. Just make it.

    00:40:26 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    And that's the sort of great attitude I have to say. He was quite worried about my recent expedition to the Amazon. I hadn't quite seen him worried before for me, but he was very happy to hear when I got back because.

    00:40:39 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Think he got in touch with Tim? My boyfriend, halfway through asking how I was because I had this sort of half tracker and it was at the point where my tracker was so dense. The canopy, as you know, like it doesn't work. And they were about to send the the sort of search crew. Not that there was any, but they were trying it, starting to think what can we do?

    00:40:58 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    And that's when Neil calls up and says, where is she? And then I think John Blashford Snell was on the case as well and everyone started.

    00:41:06 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Everyone started sort of searching. How is Lucy? There's Lucy there. And a few days later got got back in touch and the tracker popped up and Tim was able to no. OK, she's still going. She's moving.

    00:41:20 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    We decided relief. My God, that is.

    00:41:24 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    That is incredible.

    00:41:25 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Ohh wow. I died literally. Just like awestruck that is.

    00:41:29 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yeah, it's. It's incredible. Like just some of the places which you start, like I start off doing the Duke of Edinburgh when I was what like I think you're 14 or 15, when do the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award? Yeah. And I remember walking for we did have like a three day expedition across the you know mountains in South Wales.

    00:41:50 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    And it was absolutely sideways driving rain, and I hated it.

    00:41:54 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    And like you know, put the tent up, which didn't work, and it was obviously just got absolutely soaked through. And it's probably one of the most, like, harrowing experiences ever I ever had. And and then, you know, it took a good few years to kind of erase that from my mind or or time got rid of that and then a.

    00:42:12 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Few years later, I was like, oh, we got.

    00:42:14 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Called to join the Army cadets and you know from there from there again had some more horrendous experiences before the.

    00:42:20 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Disappeared from what you know from the long term memory and yeah, the kind of the the rest is history. But I think even just even just hearing your stories and documenting some of these is incredibly important for, you know, people like like you and I to hear in the future. And just if it gets people over the line with aiming to do something.

    00:42:40 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    A bit more challenging or adventurous and it's it's. Yeah, it does exactly what what I want it to do what we want it to do.

    00:42:51 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    So with that in mind.

    00:42:52 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    I mean you, you and.

    00:42:53 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Me both.

    00:42:56 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Oh, now this. I was just going to say you and me both know how much how many like humans are very short term short term creatures. So you know you have these bad experiences which you're inevitably going to be going to have, but those are the things that everyone reflects on afterwards and you really don't remember that misery. So I said just go out and get it.

    00:43:15 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Go into it. You're gonna. Everyone loves a good storm and story by the.

    00:43:18 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    End of it.

    00:43:20 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yeah, it's yeah, definitely, yeah.

    00:43:24 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Well, OK, so next question then, what does the future hold for you without spilling off too much about your your next expedition?

    00:43:36 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    What does the?

    00:43:36 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Future hold. Well, I'm working on quite a few different projects at the moment, which I can't actually go into details with a few of things were on put on hold at the moment, but.

    00:43:44 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Of course.

    00:43:45 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Planning to get those up and running as soon as things change a little bit in the world.

    00:43:50 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    But basically a lot more jungle stuff, some bigger jungle expeditions as well as well as some big, big, cold stuff as well. So I mean a bit of everything. So there's a lot, there's a lot on my radar at the moment, but the, I mean we've got extra time now, right? So I'm just getting excited and just planning and.

    00:44:09 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Thinking how I can make it happen when it when the when the doors open.

    00:44:12 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor


    00:44:13 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yeah, definitely. Yeah, it's, it's it's, I mean it's it's extra time to sit there and Google Earth and be like, I wonder what this thing is. I wonder what that thing is. The sun looking in detail.

    00:44:22 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Absolutely go for the natural remote places. Yeah, the most remote places with the weirdest names that no one's ever heard of. Those are often the best places to go because no one's there. You feel like it's often the hardest to make logistically happen, so it's the most rewarding. Yeah, it's.

    00:44:37 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    It reminds me of Ed Stafford series, which I think was on like five or six years ago, where he basically just he filmed himself like with a hand camera, sat there on Google Earth going. I wonder what created this random lake in the middle of the jungle that's like 1000 miles from the nearest like.

    00:44:58 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Manned, you know, town or or or hard standing road. And then he he he basically goes and finds it and goes. Oh, right. Yeah. It probably meeting right. That caused this. And there's some weird things in the water, you know, kicking up some waves. So I'm going to disappear now. But I just love like the the.

    00:45:14 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Know it's it's fantastic idea.

    00:45:17 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yeah, I I wish somebody would do something like that in. Well, like obviously with somebody, I think you'd be awesome for that. You would, you know, clearly breed some, some, some, a new approach to that.

    00:45:28 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Yeah, I know it's a very, very good idea for a show that one, I like it.

    00:45:33 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Awesome. OK. So final question then.

    00:45:36 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Has there been anyone instrumental in your life that you want to thank and highlight your attention to?

    00:45:43 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Oh, I suppose the obvious one who we've already talked about is Neil Neil Lawton. I mean, he was the one that believed in me. When, you know, family members, parents, friends were thinking this isn't a real thing. You know, how can you carry on doing this but making it? He's a he's a incredible.



    00:46:02 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Fundraiser and nothing will stop him. So if you have an expedition that you need to.

    00:46:06 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Raise money, he's.

    00:46:07 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    He just goes well. You can do that. And you you can figure it out. And that's gonna be my way. Nothing is too big to to take on. So, yeah, I guess. I guess, Neil. So thank you Neil, but.

    00:46:22 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Is there anyone else do you want to to thank you to anyone to see the highlights.

    00:46:26 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Though I guess I would highlight you've met him, Tim, my boyfriend. He he often we often climbed climb with a lot in the mountains and it's always great to have someone who trust climbing partner. But I.

    00:46:41 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    For the last few years have been going off on my own to the Arctic and to the jungles. And so he's been helping planned stuff and also just being there as a safety safety guy and following getting ready to send in the search and rescue if anything would go wrong.

    00:46:58 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    I'll put maybe put some time's linked on his house. He's an incredible photographer as well as and he's got some, some, some stunning photos in his book that seemed.

    00:47:05 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor


    00:47:07 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Yeah, definitely, definitely, definitely.

    00:47:09 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Well, awesome. Fantastic. Well, Lucy, I will. I will leave you to the rest of your afternoon. Thank you so much.

    00:47:16 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    I have a puppy to play with.

    00:47:19 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yeah, I got, yes.

    00:47:20 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    I'm mega jealous of that. I'll have to put a put a photo of Sammy up as well. Like just to say just how cute.

    00:47:28 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    How cute he is.

    00:47:30 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yeah. Leave you to no doubt. Stop them from chewing all the all the upholstery and all your many bags of venture gear boxes.

    00:47:40 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Oh my God, she would not be my friend. That happened.

    00:47:45 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Doesn't magine there with like a gortex like mountain glove in her mouth and just be like?

    00:47:47 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor


    00:47:50 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Like no, I need that in twig.

    00:47:52 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Oh my God, don't don't even put that into my mind. She's manager right now.

    00:48:00 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Awesome, right list. OK, fantastic. Thank you so much. It's been an incredible, incredible podcast. I look forward to seeing you on the Tales adventure stage in well in the coming months.

    00:48:10 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    When this is when life changed.

    00:48:11 Lucy Shepherd FRGS, remote explorer, mountaineer, arctic pathfinder and jungle survivor

    Yeah, awesome. Thank you very much, Chris.

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Chris Shirley MA FRGS

About the Author:

Chris is the founder of Hiatus.Design, a mission-driven branding and website design company that works with clients all over the world.

Over the course of his life, he has travelled to more than 60 countries across six continents, earned two Guinness World Records, completed the legendary Marathon des Sables, summited Mont Blanc and unclimbed peaks in Asia, become a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (FRGS), rowed across the Atlantic Ocean and obtained a Masterʼs degree in Business Management (MA).

Sally Orange MBE, multiple world record holder


Krish Thapa, ex-SAS mountain Leader